We provide legal services for a contractual fee agreed with the client based on the particular circumstances of each matter with respect to its complexity, time demands and other factors. The contractual fee can be agreed as:
- an hourly rate;
- a fixed fee for handling specific issues (when it is possible to estimate the time demands and complexity of the particular matter);
- monthly or quarterly flat fee (especially for long-term cooperation where the approximate scope and type of work has been agreed and varies over time for a fixed monthly/quarterly payment);
- success fee, determined as a share in the value of the matter or success in the case/dispute, or a share in the compensation awarded by a court for the legal representative of the client (where not in contradiction with applicable laws or ethical rules).
We agree on the terms of the contractual fee prior to commencing work on the mandate.
Non-contractual (“tariff”)
If the terms of our contractual fee are not agreed with the client, then the fee will be settled on the basis of the applicable legislation.
The non-contractual/tariff remuneration is currently set by Decree No. 177/1996 Coll., Bar Tariff, as amended.
Administrative tasks
Unless agreed otherwise with the client in writing, our remuneration for the following administrative tasks shall be:
- for conversion of a document (from electronic form to paper form) …… CZK 300 per A4 page;
- for conversion of a document (from paper form to electronic form) …… CZK 300 per A4 page;
- for verification of a signature (in our offices) …… CZK 300 per signature;
- for verification of a signature (outside our offices) …… based on an individual agreement;
- for an extract from a Cadastral Register …… CZK 50 per A4 page;
- for an extract from a list of executions …… CZK 60 per each search and additional CZK 60 for each required detailed information.
We also charge the following expenses in addition to the fee: courier services, translation services, travel expenses, charges for bulk or large-scale copying, creation of document files, out-of-pocket expenses, notarial fees, administrative and court fees. All such expenses are charged at the original amount.
We are registered VAT payers. VAT will be applied to our remuneration and other charged amounts, where applicable.
Unless agreed otherwise in writing, our invoices are due and payable within 15 days of issuance.